This journal is about how the online public relations could merge the traditional media and new media towards the organization practice. Today, the developments of internet and communication technology give the direct impact to the public relations practice in the organization. Furthermore, the user of internet for the first five years was greater compared to the user of television and radio for its first five years. This show that the internet had many users and the use of this new media technology could affect the constituencies of the organization. The internet consists of many technologies such as email, mailing list, podcast, blog, World Wide Web and many others. . In organizational public relations, print media will remain strong. However, the importance of new information and communication technologies will increase. Public relations practitioners have two basic tasks. One task involves message production, disseminating messages to publics, clients and stakeholders in multiple media channels. The other comprises the planning and execution of communication strategies. Public relations practitioner is the intermediary between clients or stakeholders and the organization’s top management. These two tasks are naturally intertwined. The internet could help the organization promote their company towards the public and the potential business partner. This could help the constituencies get their information whenever they want or what the information they needed. Furthermore, the new technology help the two way communication occur between the organizations and the public and public relations practitioner could respond towards the issue or crisis more effectively compared using the old or traditional media. If public relations practitioner tends to understand what the issue or the problem that public face with their organizations, they could plan the strategies that they could use and they can answer all the rumors and issue that they facing with the public. This will help the communication more effective.

Post By : MOHD. HAFIZUDIN BIN ISMAIL (2008285552)
Article wrote by : Pertti Hurme
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