This article is about the world of marketing and mass media is a rapidly changing one. Today, television is still king when it comes to spreading a message. However, that kingdom is dwindling. New technologies are changing the way people consume and, now, produce media. Those changes are also affecting the way people interact with each other and with organizations. As these changes continue to shape our lives and markets, organizations will no longer be able to rely on a one-way stream of information going to their stakeholders with a carefully crafted message. The future of media is, instead, a back and forth between participants in a massive, public conversation. Using tools and concepts from the environmental sustainability movement, this paper looks at the ways that new media and social technologies can be embraced by organizations to perform their marketing and public relations in a sustainable manner. Some of the suggestions in this article are traditional marketing practices and strategies are becoming irrelevant in the age of social technologies and new media. They are being replaced by genuine conversation and engagement. In light of the changing nature of media and people’s engagement with media and technology, organizational sustainability is about more than just reducing the negative effects of production on the physical environment. Sustainability, as is related to our physical world, marketing, or otherwise, is about making sure both you and your organization will be around and be relevant in the future. Whether it is global warming or the threat of being ignored, extinction is not the desired future of any organization.
By William Boyd (2009)
From : Mohd Faiz Othman (2008285626)