According to John V. Pavlik, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Department of Journalism and Media Studies, School of Communication, Information and Library Studies, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey in his paper entitled ‘Mapping the Consequences of Technology on Public Relations did mention about the effects of new media such as Facebook and Twitter in Public Relations. He said that Twitter and other forms of new media have transformed how the public access their information.
The paper focused in four major aspects of the effects of new media. They were the impact of technology on how public relations practitioners do their work is considered, on the content or messages developed and delivered in public relations, on organizational structure, culture and management and also on relationships between or among organizations and their publics.
He mentioned that Twitter is one of the recent developments from blogs. Twitter provides its followers up-to-date information from its account holders. Even Business Week quoted that “With Twitter, people share quick updates on their most mundane doings, often from a cell phone. That is why Twitter is not only being used by single individuals only, but also major companies and organizations in order to keep their clients and customers updated with their company’s activity or as a faster version of information counter.
Not just that, due to the creation of new media especially Twitter, Pavlik also mentioned that mobile publics especially young teenagers can now be reached due to the high number of users recorded are them. This means that public relations practitioners have not to worry about delivering their messages to these audiences as most new media users are young teenagers and adults. This is because Twitter especially is the new ‘It’ thing to have at the moment. In other words, those who have Twitter accounts are considered ‘In’ or up-to-date with the latest trend.
Happy Ramadhan u ollsss...!!
Article: Mapping The Consequences of Technology onn Public Relations
Written by: John V. Pavlik, Ph.D
Summarized by: Mohd Amin Firdaus Bin Md Zainudin
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