Kami Prihatin, Anda Prihatin Tak?? (Edisi Ke-2)

Hye semua...

Kami Prihatin,
i) tapi anda tak bila anda tak attend our event!
ii) tapi anda tak bila anda tak sanggup meluangkan masa bersama kami!
iii) tapi anda tak bila anda memilih untuk menyambut merdeka dan tidak menyokong event kami!

Kami as a Rafflesia Communications sangat menghargai sesiapa sahaja yang sentiasa menyokong event ini...Semoga anda semua sentiasa dirahmatiNYA~~ amin~~

Sincerely: Akma


hai people!!

First of all nak jerit!!

(lepas geram sbb lupa nak jerit smalam, hahaha mcm la every year pun jerit..)
*ngengeh -ayat izzy sorry kalau salah eja=)))

hmmm, best sgt sbb cuti hari nie, sure sume tidur dgn aman damai dan tenteram..
tapi esok (rabu) kita ada kelas dari pagi sampai malam.. haih~
Kelas ganti Special Topic 8.30am jadi tak?
*Nisa plz update, sbb semalam kata ada few yang ada kelas elektif? siapakah gerangan mereka?

oh ya, untuk our event smalam..
we did such a gud job!!!!!
jadi kesimpulannya:


sebab apa kami perihatin?

1. Kami perihatin dari sudut makanan, sbb makanan yang dihidangkan mmg terbaik dari ladang bikam, hohohoh..sampai boleh makan berulang2 dan mendapat feedback yang baik dr tetamu yang hadir..
*credit to BIRO F&B, dan BIRO2 yang lain sbb tolong makan.. hehehe=)

2. Kami perihatin mengenai issue2 pembuangan bayi sehingga'n malam merdeka pun kami sanggup buat event pasal issue nie, kalau kami tak perihatin baik kami celebrate merdeka kan?

3. Kami perihatin sehinggakan sehari selepas event, kami telah diberi cuti sehari (Selasa) kalau buat event hari lain, MAMPU nak dapat cuti? NON ADO!!

4. Kami perihatin, sampai kami boleh membawa imej2 muslim dan muslimah sejati, atleats kami mampu buktikan yang masscomm bukan sahaja duduk didalam kepompong glamorous ala2 artis baru nak up.. tapi masih mampu wujudkan nilai kerohanian yang baik.. kelas u olsss=)

5. Kami perihatin, sampai balik terus tidur.... (byk sgt perihatin sampai tak mampu nak tulis) hehehehe=)

so next event, kita buat dgn lebih baik and baiki segala kekurangan yang ada.. I'allah..

Experience is the best teacher!

*sorry kalau ada termarah, terjerit, tersuruh, dan ter2 yang sewaktu dengannya sbb semua pun penat! harap dimaafkan yea..

*thanx to teman2 yang duduk MELATI, sbb sudi sewa'n tempat berteduh untuk barang2 event smalam.. kita try clear'n as soon as possible..

sayang korang!

Nazira Nawawi

Global Activism and New Media: A Study of Transnational NGO's Online Public Relations

by Hyujin Seo, Ji Young Kim, Sung-Un Yang
Taken fro Public Relations Review 35 (2009)
pg 123-126

This study examines how transnational nongovernmental organizations, (WWF, SPCA, etc...) make use of new media tools in their public relations activities and what factors influence their online public relations, like promoting their causes and raise funds. This study analyzed the factors behind it - objective, revenue, efficiency, or capacity - best predicted NGO's use of new media with regard to type and function. The methods used in summary, was by conducting a survey - closed and opened-ended questions - with communications representatives of transnational NGO's based in the United States, randomly selecting 230 organizations from the International category on the Charity Navigator website.

The findings are:
  • The organizations' website is perceived to be the most important new media tool for NGOs, followed by blogs, video casts, podcasts, and wiki, respectively. It's likely too, that NGOs are broadening the use of new media in the future.
  • The respondents said the most important function of new media is to promote the image of their organization, followed by fundraising, providing information to journalists, interaction with the public, and networking with others, respectively.
  • The higher the capacity rating of the organization, the more important video casts are for its public relations activities and image promotion.
  • However, organizational efficiency and revenue were not significant predictors of NGO's new media use when controlling for organizational objective. It is possible due to tight budget and resources NGOs have to work under.
  • Organizations' increased use of new media tools has resulted in changes in approaches to traditional mass media by being less dependable to traditional media, and beginning to reallocating resources to work on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
  • Through open-ended questions, respondents identified the concerns of new media technology as their organizational public relations tools about - reliability, message control, and scope of online audiences.
  • Some practitioners believe that messages posted to blogs or other social media are easily modified and misused by others.
This study suggests that NGOs should consider expanding their online public relations to include more diverse modes of new media, and it would be wise for them to recognize the potential of new media tools for enhancing two-way communications with publics to lay out their public relations strategies accordingly.

I believe that since NGOs have tight budget and resources, it is good enough to raise their efficiency through extensive use of new media modes in order to promote the organization's image and raise funds. Future research is key in order to permit examination of functions, user-friendliness, and sophistication of new media tools used by NGOs.


NGOs could've done better. Support NGOs!

Summarized by:

Noratikah Mohamad Ashari

p/s: Congrats for our 1st event people! 2 more to come. Wooot!!

"From Knowledgable to Knowledge-able: Learning in New Media Environments"

According to Michael Wesch from Kansas State University, he said that most university classrooms have gone through a massive transformation in the past ten years which is they practice new media environments. This new media environment can be enormously disruptive to our current teaching methods and philosophies. As we increasingly move toward an environment of instant and infinite information, it becomes less important for students to know, memorize, or recall information, and more important for them to be able to find, sort, analyze, share, discuss, critique, and create information. They need to move from being simply knowledgeable to being knowledge-able. This is because, nowadays, most of the lectures class does not used traditional media as a medium of learning. Meanwhile, they are more prefer to used new media technology.

Unfortunately, many teachers only see the disruptive possibilities of these technologies when they find students Facebooking, texting, IMing, or shopping during class. Though many blame the technology, these activities are just new ways for students to tune out, part of the much bigger problem, where the fact is that many students are now struggling to find meaning and significance in their education.

Nothing good will come of these technologies if we do not first confront the crisis of significance and bring relevance back into education. In some ways these technologies act as magnifiers. If we fail to address the crisis of significance, the technologies will only magnify the problem by allowing students to tune out more easily and completely. Moreover, with total and constant access to their entire network of friends, we might be walking into the food court in the student union and trying to hold their attention. On the other hand, if we work with students to find and address problems that are real and significant to them, they can then leverage the networked information environment in ways that will help them achieve the “knowledge-ability”.

Article by: Michael Wesch, Kansas State University (2009)

Source: http://www.academiccommons.org

Summarized by: Nashwani Fizrin binti Nasaruddin (2008285678)

bebuke wif Pn.Roy!


by: ieza farieza :-)

Applications and implementations of new media in corporate communications: An action research approach

According to Hearn, G., Foth, M., & Gray, H. from Institute for Creative Industries and Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia in their paper entitled “Applications and implementations of new media in corporate communications: An action research approach” discusses about how a corporate communication strategy can use the new media and web technology in making easier for organizations. This article also discussed about the take-up and use of new media technology. They also were highlighting a current approach to implementation issues.

The approached that they used is review and explore new media in organizations from three ecological layers which is the social, discursive and technical, addressing who is communicating, the communication content and new media technology used. They recommend a customer-centered approach to implementing new media adoption in organizations using action research. With the advances in new media and technology, many organizations nowadays are using Web 2.0 services because it can be employed to work with conventional communication tools. Besides that, hybrid approach enables organizations to maintain and strengthen existing and new stakeholder relationships.

Written by: Hearn, G., Foth, M., & Gray, H. (Oct 2008)

Summarized by: NOOR FARIEZA BT. ARIFFIN (2008285592)

Source: http://www.emeraldinsight.com


my dearest classmates jgn lupe ye kte sume ade quiz new media...

date: 25th August 2010
day: Wednesday
venue: kt class lah mane lg...huhu
time: 6pm
so cayok2!! STUDY OK!! GUD LUCK U OLS!!!

Social media supporting disaster response: Evaluation of a lightweight collaborative tool

Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service in which users can send, receive, and read short posts that can provide just in time information for crisis management. Twitter, broadly launched in October 2006, is a platform independent, lightweight subscriber information source. It allows people to post messages or micro-blogs up to 140 characters making it an effective communication tool for mobile devices and adaptive to emergent situations. People can subscribe to be “followers” of an individual or of a topic (e.g., disaster) allowing people to quickly share relevant information with their family, friends, and others.Twitter supports emergent collaboration among many users and could potentially support command and control in joint disaster response operations in several ways. Twitter crosses platforms as it can be accessed via the web or cell phone making it effective for information sharing in joint operations.Therefore, as in radio broadcasts, many people can benefit from the Twitter posts of one person providing an effective lightweight mechanism for disseminating information. However, unlike a radio broadcast, Twitter does not rely on a single user or single location making it more resilient to power outages.People are highly adaptive when it comes to using information technologies. Many collaborative tools have short lifecycles. Consequently, the design and use of such systems naturally evolves. We learn a lot about the emergent properties of collaboration by studying communication on these systems. For these tools to be effectively used and adopted, the context, the social structures, and the collaborative situation need to be evaluated together. We were able to do that because of the virtual nature of Twitter and our results provide a couple collaboration patterns that should be useful for early evaluation of other lightweight collaborative technologies.

article by : Beth Veinott et al.

summarized by : Muhamad Farid Bin Latib MC22s5a

obtained from : scholar.google.com

Media-Sawy Educators: Pushing Past''News Lite'' Reporting.

By Nora Carr
From American School Board Journal

The education in America is losing to the media. The reason of this thing happen is because the evolution of media around us and the media it’s self now focusing more on the entertainment rather then education. ‘’ a lot of local news today is information lite ‘’says David Coburn a charlotte, north Carolina, public relations( PR ) executive and long time business reporter. "Leaner news budgets and more competition from cable and online outlets put more pressure on reporters to do the quick and dirty story, focus on the surface conflict rather than the underlying issues and regurgitate invective without adding insight.” .The PR professional earn their good reputation by respond quickly to the media enquires and respecting the reporters deadlines, that’s why PR professional has strong influence in media industry and can effect the America education as well.

Mohamad Arif Bin Abd Kadir(2008299074)
Obtained by:www.ebscohost.com

Social Networks That Matter: Twitter Under The Microscope

According to Bernardo A. Huberman, Daniel M. Romero and Fang Wu from Social Computing Lab, HP Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA 94304 Cornell University, in their article entitled ‘Social Networks That Matter: Twitter Under the Microscope’ said that those who were labelled as their ‘active users’ posted at least twice by the time that has elapsed between his first and last post. The ‘active users’ were 211, 024 out of 309, 740 users and remain active for 206 days.

Their study also showed that 25.4% of posts updated were directed ones, which means that their posts were directed to a specific person. They define a user’s friend by whom the users have directed their post at least twice. Through that they were able to find out the number of friends each user has and compare it to the number of followers and followees whom they declared.

They also assume that a user who gets more attention tends to post updates more frequent than those who do not. But from their figures show that users that have more followers do not necessarily post their updates frequently. Therefore they suggest that the accurate signal on predicting the activeness of a Twitter user is by their number of friends. That is why when it comes to public relations Twitter is essential especially for major companies or organizations so that once a crisis occurs, it will be easy for them to communicate and explain and also handle the crisis. Plus we can see that many major companies and organizations do own a Twitter account dedicated specifically to answer their clients or customers inquiries.

Sorry korang I x sedar yg my previous article td sama ngan the one yg Miss Baby bg...

So this is a new one..


Happy Ramadhan again u ollsss..!!!

Article: Social Networks That Matter: Twitter Under The Microscope

Written by: Bernardo A. Huberman, Daniel M. Romero and Fang Wu

Summarized by: Mohd Amin Firdaus Bin Md Zainudin

Source: www.scholar.google.com

Mapping The Consequences of Technology on Public Relations

According to John V. Pavlik, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Department of Journalism and Media Studies, School of Communication, Information and Library Studies, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey in his paper entitled ‘Mapping the Consequences of Technology on Public Relations did mention about the effects of new media such as Facebook and Twitter in Public Relations. He said that Twitter and other forms of new media have transformed how the public access their information.

The paper focused in four major aspects of the effects of new media. They were the impact of technology on how public relations practitioners do their work is considered, on the content or messages developed and delivered in public relations, on organizational structure, culture and management and also on relationships between or among organizations and their publics.

He mentioned that Twitter is one of the recent developments from blogs. Twitter provides its followers up-to-date information from its account holders. Even Business Week quoted that “With Twitter, people share quick updates on their most mundane doings, often from a cell phone. That is why Twitter is not only being used by single individuals only, but also major companies and organizations in order to keep their clients and customers updated with their company’s activity or as a faster version of information counter.

Not just that, due to the creation of new media especially Twitter, Pavlik also mentioned that mobile publics especially young teenagers can now be reached due to the high number of users recorded are them. This means that public relations practitioners have not to worry about delivering their messages to these audiences as most new media users are young teenagers and adults. This is because Twitter especially is the new ‘It’ thing to have at the moment. In other words, those who have Twitter accounts are considered ‘In’ or up-to-date with the latest trend.

Happy Ramadhan u ollsss...!!

Article: Mapping The Consequences of Technology onn Public Relations

Written by: John V. Pavlik, Ph.D

Summarized by: Mohd Amin Firdaus Bin Md Zainudin

Taken at: www.scholar.google.com


This journal is about how the online public relations could merge the traditional media and new media towards the organization practice. Today, the developments of internet and communication technology give the direct impact to the public relations practice in the organization. Furthermore, the user of internet for the first five years was greater compared to the user of television and radio for its first five years. This show that the internet had many users and the use of this new media technology could affect the constituencies of the organization. The internet consists of many technologies such as email, mailing list, podcast, blog, World Wide Web and many others. . In organizational public relations, print media will remain strong. However, the importance of new information and communication technologies will increase. Public relations practitioners have two basic tasks. One task involves message production, disseminating messages to publics, clients and stakeholders in multiple media channels. The other comprises the planning and execution of communication strategies. Public relations practitioner is the intermediary between clients or stakeholders and the organization’s top management. These two tasks are naturally intertwined. The internet could help the organization promote their company towards the public and the potential business partner. This could help the constituencies get their information whenever they want or what the information they needed. Furthermore, the new technology help the two way communication occur between the organizations and the public and public relations practitioner could respond towards the issue or crisis more effectively compared using the old or traditional media. If public relations practitioner tends to understand what the issue or the problem that public face with their organizations, they could plan the strategies that they could use and they can answer all the rumors and issue that they facing with the public. This will help the communication more effective.

Post By : MOHD. HAFIZUDIN BIN ISMAIL (2008285552)
Article wrote by : Pertti Hurme
Getting Journal from : www.emeraldinsight.com

Massaging the Medium: The Role New Media and Social Technologies Play in Sustainable Marketing and Public Relations

This article is about the world of marketing and mass media is a rapidly changing one. Today, television is still king when it comes to spreading a message. However, that kingdom is dwindling. New technologies are changing the way people consume and, now, produce media. Those changes are also affecting the way people interact with each other and with organizations. As these changes continue to shape our lives and markets, organizations will no longer be able to rely on a one-way stream of information going to their stakeholders with a carefully crafted message. The future of media is, instead, a back and forth between participants in a massive, public conversation. Using tools and concepts from the environmental sustainability movement, this paper looks at the ways that new media and social technologies can be embraced by organizations to perform their marketing and public relations in a sustainable manner. Some of the suggestions in this article are traditional marketing practices and strategies are becoming irrelevant in the age of social technologies and new media. They are being replaced by genuine conversation and engagement. In light of the changing nature of media and people’s engagement with media and technology, organizational sustainability is about more than just reducing the negative effects of production on the physical environment. Sustainability, as is related to our physical world, marketing, or otherwise, is about making sure both you and your organization will be around and be relevant in the future. Whether it is global warming or the threat of being ignored, extinction is not the desired future of any organization.
By William Boyd (2009)
From : Mohd Faiz Othman (2008285626)

New Media Journalists, Aren't We All?

How ya doin'..?

It's just some random thoughts that pops out in my mind, that I thought maybe I should share with you guys.

Last week, Miss Anusha had told us about how anybody can be a journalist.

With New Media Technology, anybody can be anything.

I am a true primate when it comes to technology, don't ask me why, but frankly speaking, I never have the intense curiosity of surfing the Net unless it's for academic purposes. I never knew about the latest softwares, applications...heck, I still think Print Shop Deluxe and Solitaire are the only coolest softwares of all time.

And. I have no Facebook account.

I'm so pathetic.


I have always loved to write. So I wrote on Microsoft Word until I found out about blogs. So I signed up. Then I had a few followers, subscribers (I just realized that I signed an RSS Feed to my blog while actually I didn't know hell about RSS) and even readers from other countries e-mailed me about my posts. So I thought dayumn am I cool or what.

Then I got the unwanted readers to comment and advertise their sites on my blog. First they were all right. But then, after a while, I realized their comments were kind of peculiar. I did some research and I found out they were actually trying to link me to porn sites.

Porn siteSss. Notice the plural people, there are many of them.

And I found that out after a year. Tahniah ye.

I can't do anything about it, so I just keep those comments moderated (which, took me weeks to understand the function) while they keep on commenting and praising my opinions.

I, am just a nobody, who loves writing thoughts and opinions. But now my readers think I work for the soft porn industry. I lost my fans, even though I write not expecting much of fame, I still don't like to think that my once faithful readers ran off thinking I'm faking or making up my opinions just to lure them into porn sites. How would I gain credibility if my readers believe in that, while I myself wrote against the issue?

Then it hit me. Like just now.

Only New Media can do that. Only New Media can satisfy curiosity and rapidly change people's beliefs, attitude, and judgments within a click. Only New Media can condemn and shape people's minds that quickly. Only New Media can make people instantly believe that behind those articles there is an author who actually is a porno freak.

And that New Media can make people get confused with what's real and true or otherwise.

New Media can do weird things to you. Until you get dependent towards it.

People say being literally corrupted is illegal, and the ones who are involved are black and white. How about being mentally corrupted? Who is to be blamed? New Media?

Just who is this New Media?

It's you. You and you.

With Miss Anusha's permission, let me rephrase on what I think of the statement 'anybody can be a journalist.'

With all due respect, journalists are noble, educated people of the media who have information and spread them to other people for the betterment of their publics. So no, I don't think every body is that noble and educated enough to be in par with professional journalists' standards.

But every body is noble and educated enough in their own way, and that with New Media Technology, - every body can be A Journalist Of His Own.

Whether for the betterment of the publics or not, it's up for YOU to decide.

So don't lose yourself into easily trusting something that is rapidly evolving and changing within seconds.

Happy Ramadhan everyone!

Crisis Communications Management on the Web: How Internet-Based Technologies are Changing the Way Public Relations Professionals Handle Business Crise

Crisis Communications Management on the Web: How Internet-Based Technologies are Changing the Way Public Relations Professionals Handle Business Crises.

González-Herrero and Suzanne Smith.

This paper is about how internet and new media technologies changed the public relations landscape to handle the business crises. Internet has drastically changed the business and communication compare to previous decade. Nowadays, internet became the popular choice for organization to communicate with the customers, investors, analysts, employees, media, and stakeholders. Company used PR to cater their audiences through mass media-printed and non printed. Before the evolving of internet technologies, the PR practitioners used One-to–Many Model as one of their strategies to disseminate the information to the constituencies through media. But, the media will only publishing the information that their determined as newsworthy and credible. Due to the advancement of technology and thanks to the internet, the model was changed into Many-to-Many. The development of this model makes the PR practitioner’s task become harder and bigger. They must take into consideration not only the traditional media but also the new media such as the blogs, social networking sites, and many more. The internet also can be a triggered to a crisis or facilitate the crisis. Sometimes, the internet will be functioning as an agent that will break geographical boundaries or became additional channel to the events that already occur in the real world. Unfortunately, the internet can be a triggering factors that can relate into crisis if it’s not been handle appropriately by the PR practitioners. This will be lead by the rumours, hacking, copycat websites, web security breaks, and all form of cyber terrorist.González-Herrero (1994) and González-Herrero and Pratt (1995, 1996) was illustrated a four stage model for crisis management–issues management, planning–prevention, the crisis, and the post-crisis.

By: Mohamad Alif Bin Dahri (2008299076)
Obtained online: www.ebscohost.com

The blogosphere and public relations: Investigating practitioners’ roles and blog use

The blogosphere and public relations: Investigating practitioners’ roles and blog use

This paper is discussed about the use of blog among public relations practitioners. The authors also discussed on the public relations practitioner perception about blog, how they use a blog, and they ways female practitioners use the blog. This research employed an online multi-page survey to answer the research questions and the respondents are randomly selected. The PR practitioners use the internet when they want to handle issues management, relationship management, environmental scanning and etc. This paper also has discovered marked differences in how different types of practitioners use communication technologies (Porter et al., 2001; Porter and Sallot, 2003). In late 1990s, males were more likely to use online databases than females (Perter et al., 2010). In the early 1990s, blog have become more popular and more than 57 million people read blogs (Lenhart, 2006). Nowadays, the PR professional also use a blog as a communication tools. Practitioners use blogs for more passive research tasks or sometime they also hosting an organizational blog. Blog provide an opportunity for communication professionals to monitor the feedback from their clients. They also use a blog to maintain and improve the good relationship with their target publics (internal and external publics).

Blogs are very useful because it offer practitioners a way to target specialized publics. In addition, this paper states that, the use of blog among PR practitioners appears to be on par with the general population. Therefore, we cannot say that public relations professionals insulate behind in adopting blogs. Even so, it is evident that the use of blogging as a professional tool has not yet become a staple – even among these “early adopters” of the technology. That is, the findings indicate that 70 percent of those surveyed who said they blogged actually maintained a personal blog. Interestingly, the blog adoption mean scores for reading and interacting on blogs were very low, but the perception items about the future of blogs and the use of blogs as a standard public relations tool were higher. The professionals believe blogs are important but they are not yet ready to tactically employ them in public relations. Professionals become aware of technologies and believe it important, but seem to put off adopting the technologies before they see a broad adoption among the general public.

Practitioners also using blogs passively for research purposes, and have not yet strategically developed blogs across the profession. This research found women and man using blogs equally. Usually, they use blog to increase productivity and efficiency in their work but also for communication purposes. The only area in which men are using blogs more frequently is for issues management. As in previous work by Porter and Sallot (2003), these findings are not a function of their professional roles as there were no significant interaction effects between gender and roles. However, this finding shows that women are not thinking about blogs as strategically as men in communications, which may have important implications for their future advancement in the profession. It can be conclude that, the practitioners seem to follow Rogers’ (2003) predictable patterns in adopting technology. They wait until the general population has adopted a tool before fully embracing it. Both managers and technicians seem to be taking a “wait and see” attitude toward blogs, much like they did in the early days of the World Wide Web. However, the use of blog among PR practitioners should be emphasize because it is one of the effective tools to communicates with the others. Blogs also enable the PR practitioners to communicate and gain a feedback from the targeted publics.

Posted by: Akmariela bt Ahmad Sayuti (2008285676)


Porter, L., Sweetser, K., & Chung, D. (2009), “The blogosphere and public relations:

Investigating practitioners’ roles and blog use”, Journal of Communication Management, Vol. 13 No. 3, pp. 250-267.

Obtained online at www.emeraldinsight.com

Blogs and corporation: managing the risk, reaping the benefits

Blogs and corporation: managing the risk, reaping the benefits

This article, Blogs and corporation: managing the risk, reaping the benefits is written by Joshua L. Cox, Eric R. Martinez and Kevin B. Quinlan. Generally, this article talks about the advancement of technology nowadays and the needs of corporations to use these new media technology in their communication plan because of the people nowadays are developing as well as the technology. Therefore, in order to reach their audiences, corporations must adapt this new environment by recognizing that certain facts regarding to their audience and new media. Practically, this article talks about blog which is one of the medium used to communicate. Further, in this article also talks about blog history, internal and external blogger in corporation, the risks of blogs, ethics of blogging, external third-party blogs, internal and external corporate blogs, pioneers in corporate blogging policy and few case studies in illustrating the opportunities and risks of blogging. At the end of this article, it also talks about their recommendation of policy of blogging.

Blog started in 1980s from the online diaries that become very popular in the mid 1990s. From BBC Online 2006, there are about 1.3 million posts and 100,000 new blogs appear on the internet each day. Later, at the end of the year, a search blog engine, Technorati was tracking more tha 57 million blogs. The popularity of blogs is may be because of its nature attribute like personal and informal way of communication. On the other hand, many users rely on blogs when making purchase decisions because they consider the blogger would be the experts of any product or category. Internal blog is generated by people inside the organization.

Usually confidential, corporate blogs can convey information from employees and management to company audiences. The blogs makes them a more appealing way of communicating than formal call centers or white papers. However, blogs also pose to substantial threats. The lack of governing the blogosphere has created the analogy to the ‘wild west’. Misguided or malicious employee blogs have the potential to damage corporation’s carefully crafted brand. Moreover, people can voice out their complaints to the world in any second with just one click. Competitors also can employ any bloggers that can attack corporation or hire bloggers to start negative blog campaigns for no apparent reason. The uncontrolled nature of blogosphere raises ethical issues.

Blogs are often seen as unreliable sources of information. The other dangerous thing is astroturfing which is considered as unethical in blogging. Astroturfing is the fabrication of grassroots marketing campaign. Its intentionally falsifies the source and authenticity of the message. Ethical policies for corporate blogging must therefore address the truth, authenticity, verifiability and transparency. In the world of blogging, there are few pioneers that have created policies regarding to blogs. There are five corporations that started the Sun (Policy on public discourse), Feedster (Corporate Blogging policy), Plaxo (Public Iternet Communication Policy), Yahoo! (Personal Blog Guidelines) and IBM (Corporate Blogging Policy and Guidelines). There are lots of independent bloggers out there are professional in their area of interest. Hence, corporations should not overlook these bloggers because they might influence their readers.

There are few things that corporations must do to control the external third-party blogs. Corporations must be aware of bloggers, engage with them when possible like adding them to company’s mailing contact for new press releases or new products and most important of all to respond to them quickly and appropriately. On the other side which is the internal and external corporate blogs, there are nine guidelines written in this article. There are, corporations must have consistent and authentic first-person voice; allow comments but have to monitor them; be honest and transparent; add value in terms of opinion from the experts or unusual access; identify information sources; welcome feedback and issue rectification; respects toward audiences; protect confidential of information and lastly use appropriate disclaimers and publish a “term of use” policy.

Another gist from this article is the reality of electronic publishing is always difficult to control centrally, it is important to have trust in employees to communicate with publics. Moreover, it is also often confusing; corporations are always at the risk in controlling its public image. Hence, the corporations are slow in creating policies of new media. However, new technologies are always making corporations in keep tracking of any inappropriate and improper blog entries.

Through all of the guidelines, they give a stand for corporations to develop strategies in communicating with its both internal and external publics through blogs. They encourage corporations to focus on building long-term relationship, add values with readers. After all, these things would allow companies to remain good relationship with their audiences.

Posted by AINI AFINI BINTI MOHAMAD (2008299072)

Kami Prihatin: Anda Bagaimana?

On behalf of publicity bureau
I, Nor Anita would like to invite all mass communication students and also Miss Baby Anusha Nur to our event which is Kami Prihatin: Anda Bagaimana?
Details are as follows:

hye everyone...

just nk engatkn korang sume..
validation da start tauw..1 August-10 August.

Scope and structure of public relations: a technology driven view

Paper by Anne Gregory in Public Relations Review 30 (2004) pp. 245-254

Obtained online at www.sciencedirect.com

Summary by Aida Hani Johnston, 2008401348

This paper is about a computer mark-up language for the public relations industry called XPRL. It was developed by an industry backed organization called XPRL.Org. The paper discusses how the creation of the Internet and electronic communication has changed the industry. It focuses on three main points which are how the technology can and should be used, the effect to the industry, and the inherent nature of this type of communication. There are two schools of thought; the first is that these technologies are actually extensions of our traditional communication; the second is that these technologies offer new opportunities for the industry. These technologies offer many advantages to an organization if it is willing to help develop and promote these advances. In this paper, the author gives a few examples of how the internet can help the public relations processes. How XPRL can integrate public relations information into a common language so as to not lose data and so that people can easily find and understand the information given by organizations. Basically, XPRL is software developed by the industry to help the industry. In XPRL, there will be different domains which are divided by the types of publics which are being targeted for example, investor relations or community relations. After that organizations will have to fulfill three success prerequisites to communicate with these publics which are strategy, resources and control. Then an organization will come to the communication implementation and tactics, where choices will be given which are best suited to the targeted publics. The implementation and tactics are then divided into four more categories which are message, production, delivery and impact which will determine the effectiveness of the tactics. The author discussed the value of XPRL, which gives practitioners a framework to work from. XPRL can help communication between an organization and the management and also other interested groups. The creators of XPRL created this language to facilitate two-way communication between an organization and its publics. After the creation, they realized that this software only helps organizations initiate and maintain contact with their publics, and that a mirror application needs to be created for use of the public. The opportunity presented by this software to automate the public relations process has infinite possibilities for the industry.