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This journal discussed on how the usages of new media technology especially social media in the public relations practice. The new media phenomena are not only hitting the PR professional but also the students of Public Relations. New media are used for socialization for both practitioner and students. The article is mainly about on how public relations profession in general is socializing the students about using social media. It is because nowadays the demand to use social media and new communication technology is also greatly influencing public relations education. Socialization is a process of get engage with the concepts of public relations and how it is applied. As for the students, they are being socialized into the discipline for example by public relations writing, public relations management, and campaign classes. Now the role of technology in public relations has grown tremendously. Thus some of the professional consistently argue about the use of electronic media in the public relations activities including the social media. Some claims that social media is the means to transmitting messages and reaching the publics. Even there is a concern that it has no specific evidence proving the effectiveness of social media. There are inconsistencies and misconceptions about social media. Thus they conducted an analysis of Public Relations Tactics (public relations publications) for messages about social media. The result of this research is that it showed there are variety of messages and sources that tell people how to prepare for and behave in organizations. To concluded, Public Relations Tactics play an important role in socializing future members of PR profession as it is read by students and lecturers.
Article by : Maureen Taylor, Michael L. Kent
Summary by: NorAnita Alias (2008285568)